May 8, 2023
"Become the kind of leader that people would follow voluntarily, even if you had no title or position." - Brian Tracy
The chaos and uncertainty of our world today has drastically changed the way we live both our personal and work lives. It seems like every day we face tough situations, setbacks, and difficult people. Now more than ever, we ALL need to be leaders in our homes, community, and working environments if we are to alleviate the stresses that now accompany our daily lives – regardless if we have a “title” attached to our names or not. If we were to look back on our lives, we’ve all had individuals who have helped us achieve our goals and helped us become the people that we are. And many of these people didn’t have any titles after their last name – they helped us voluntarily because it was the right thing to do. They realized and appreciated how much we respected their abilities, opinions, and suggestions to help us and considered it an honor to be the “one” you turned to for help. An interesting phenomenon occurs when approached by others who trust us to help them based on our knowledge, tenure, experience, and wisdom to develop their skills and knowledge to achieve their goals and ambitions – we experience a sense of fulfillment and indescribable peace. If you were to remember all of the people that have been a great influence on your life, I’m certain you would say that you would follow them voluntarily and do anything you could to help them in their time of need. These are the people we will appreciate and remember for the rest of our lives. Stop and think about the goals you have achieved and any successes you are enjoying. Who helped you along the way? Are you doing all you can to help others in the same way? Today, have the strength and courage to be “that person” who takes the time and patience to help others who come to you for your ability to help them along their journey and experience that fulfillment and indescribable peace for yourself – you’ll be eternally grateful that you did, and they’ll remember you forever with a smile on their face.